The Lake Ponderosa Association was formed with the idea of improving the quality of life at the lake for all of us. A board of ten directors, including nine elected and a representative of the Ahrens family governs the association. The board meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM. except in November, December and February at the association building. Guests are always welcome to attend.
The annual meeting for all members is held the second Saturday in June at the association building located at 175 West Woodland Rd.
The Association is responsible for several Holiday, fundraising, and social events at Lake Ponderosa. We issue all boat cards and are responsible for the purchase and maintenance of the tornado siren, boat gate and ramp area, and the Association building. We also publish the Anchor 4 times per year. This newsletter is available on this web site or it can be mailed to your residence.
Membership is open to all property owners and is voluntary. If you have not already joined, please consider membership in this valuable organization. Membership is only $35.00 per year.
Sometimes there is confusion about responsibilities at the lake. The Lake association is responsible for the above mentioned activities and duties. The Ahrens Family owns the roads and the water at Lake Ponderosa and set the rules for both. We have provided information on this website for lake rules, boat patrol and contact information for Lake Ponderosa Utilities.